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Sterculia lychnophora tea can not drink

Publish Date:2024-03-13 Views:9179time Author:张雅 From:植提空间
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Many people like bubble suit to protect throat boat-fruited sterculia seed. Some people because the climate is dry, throat discomfort; also some occupation personage, such as teachers, singers, because with the voice over would feel throat discomfort; some smokers, long-term smoking, chronic pharyngitis with falls, also loves drinking boat-fruited sterculia seed tea. However, three nine pharmacies licensed pharmacist Stella Chang warned, long-term drinking boat-fruited sterculia seed tea, not properly.

Sterculia lychnophora not everyone can drink

Chinese medicine, Sterculia cold taste sweet, there are two functions, one is the Qing Xuan Qi, can be used for wind-heat invading lung induced by acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis, such as cold body are fever, sore throat, dry mouth, accompanied by cough; two is Qingchang catharsis, used for fire cause constipation.

The following is not suitable for using boat-fruited sterculia seed : one is the spleen deficiency physique, to reduce appetite, abdominal pain in cold, loose stool, then taking Sterculia easily cause diarrhea, damage strength; two is a cold caused by coughing, sore throat, manifested as aversion to cold cold, physical weakness, white phlegm cough; three is the lung yin deficiency lead to cough, manifested as dry cough without sputum, hoarseness, but such a situation belongs to chronic respiratory disease.

Sterculia lychnophora not suitable for long-term use

Sterculia lychnophora can promote the peristalsis of small intestine, produce mild purgative effects, gastrointestinal bad people do not take for a long time. The drug also has an antihypertensive effect, therefore, blood pressure is normal or low blood pressure long-term use words, may have low blood pressure risk. In addition, Sterculia skin, soft shell, nuts water leaching extract has certain analgesic efficacy, nuts has the strongest effect, its analgesic principles are not yet known, but it is certain, if because of the inhibition of central and the analgesic effect, long-term use of Sterculia also has potential risk.

In addition, studies have also shown that boat-fruited sterculia seed have certain toxicity. The nuts can cause animal difficulty breathing, movement disorders, continuous massive doses of death.

Proper use of methods: effect on

In our country, published " served as both food and pharmaceutical items list ", although the boat-fruited sterculia seed, but sterculia lychnophora some resistance, have certain toxicity, not suitable for certain physical, but not long-term as a health drink.

If you do need to take Chinese medicine, such as acute tonsillitis, using boat-fruited sterculia seed 3 - 5, boiling water soak clothes; wind-heat cold induced by pharyngeal pain, dry cough without sputum, hoarseness, using boat-fruited sterculia seed 5, licorice 3 grams, tea beverage service. In general, taking Sterculia was observed on the two day, medicine, effective received; ineffective in time to see the doctor, do not delay!

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